Spazi multifunzionali: il futuro delle abitazioni moderne
Negli ultimi anni, il concetto di casa è cambiato radicalmente. Gli spazi abitativi non sono…
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A soli 7 minuti d’auto da Tradate e dalla stazione e soli…
Nella splendida cornice di Ca’ Martignoni, meravigliosa residenza d’epoca del 1705 situata…
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This is genuinely the best theme I have ever bought in terms of super easy & clear instructions to follow. I have been a web designer for over 18 years now. The theme is fantastic, flexible and simply excellent to use. I cannot recommend enough!
From real estate industry and beyond.
Negli ultimi anni, il concetto di casa è cambiato radicalmente. Gli spazi abitativi non sono…
By Atmosphera ImmobiliareLa crescente consapevolezza sull’importanza della sostenibilità ha spinto molte persone a optare per soluzioni ecologiche…
By Atmosphera ImmobiliareNegli ultimi anni, il concetto di “casa verde” è diventato sempre più popolare, e non…
By Atmosphera ImmobiliareTest featured from elementor.
To help you configure and customize stuff around your website without going into code. You can customize the price format to any currency in the world. You can customize the URL slugs to your required ones.
Real Homes theme includes two major design variations. You can use the classic or modern look based on your choice.
Real Homes includes advanced properties search feature that is powerful and fully customizable to fulfill various needs. You can select which fields you want to display and what data will be displayed in those fields.
Real Homes includes Google Maps API integration that enables you to display Google map with properties markers on search results page, properties display pages, property detail page, home page and taxonomy archive pages.
You can provide user registration, login and forgot password features on your site to let users access member only features. Social login feature allow you to integrate any social network with your website for user login and registration.
Real Homes provides front end property submit template and related configurations. So you can restrict certain level of users from accessing administrator dashboard and provide them an interface on front end to submit properties.
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